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The Erhu Factory
Originally posted February 18, 2009

This morning,  Jenny arranged a visit to a local erhu factory.  If Phil Borsos were alive today, he'd want to make a sequel to "Cooperage".  It's just so interesting to see a factory where most of the work is done by master craftsmen. So much atmosphere.

Erhu factory,  Wuxi,  China

Erhu factory,  Wuxi,  China  Ruth commented that seeing these together really points out the snake pattern. Erhu factory,  Wuxi,  China

I learned the names of four different styles of erhu,  and I got to try out one of their best instruments,  which unfortunately I can't afford at the moment,  and wouldn't buy if I could afford it because they are all made with the skins of endangered species.
     The big surprise to me was how much this factory pays for a snake skin.  Up to ten times what I expected. No wonder poaching and illegal importing  is so hard to eradicate.

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